Thursday, June 18, 2009

Am I a twit?

Got your attention didn't I?

Now, you are probably wondering what this snazzy blog title is leading up to... well, I'll start off by saying that I like to think of myself as an intelligent, interesting, level headed individual. I'm not just a little piece of fluff in case you didn't know. I do have a brain. My university studies major in the holocaust; does that sound like something a twit would do?

So that being said, why is it that I'm addicted to the vampire phenomenon? I mean I love this stuff! I'm not 13, I'm over 30 for cripes sake! What's with me?! Take Twilight for example; I was obsessed with it and I don't even know why! As a woman I should be mortified that Bella doesn't care what Edward does or says as long as he LOVES her. She actually gets off on the fact that he's sooo possessive of her. I mean I hate all that romantic crap so it definitely wasn't the love story aspect that kept me reading. I don't have a bad boy infatuation either so, it wasn't that and believe me when I say I wasn't spellbound by the good writing.

But yet, I have to admit that I unknowingly and unwillingly got sucked into the Edward trap. Was I drawn to him because he represents the perfect man (and I use the term Man loosely)? Do I secretly wish to have an Edward or, for that matter, even a Jacob in my life? I really don't think that's it either.
Most chats I've had with fellow readers focus on Edward but maybe he's just the tasty wrapper covering the reason of why we are all twilight fanatics.

Perhaps what I'm attracted to is the escape that vampires offer me. Think about it for a minute. Vampires are free to do as they will without consequence. Its all about obsession and fulfillment. They 'live' and do as they want and they take it without worry. They offer escape from our every day dull life which is full of deadlines, rules, restrictions and societal norms.
Show me one person who doesn't desire the freedom to escape their everyday life without consequence for just one minute and I'll show you a twit.

Perhaps our world as we know it has become so bogged down with crud that we all need a little more vampire in it to free ourselves. And, just maybe I'm not a twit after all. Yes, I've been bitten by the Twilight bug and I'm proud to say so.

On a side note, if you love vampires and the supernatural like me, I highly recommend the Kim Harrison series on Rachel Morgan. It's definitely read worthy and quite entertaining. The first book is called "Dead Witch Walking". I'd check it out if I were you.

Been there, Done that

Many of you out there have asked for an update on China. Well, frankly I've been there and done that. Truth is, I have nothing new to post. I'm still riding that ridiculously SLOW boat to China. They are currently matching
files that were logged in during March, 2006. Our file made it to China in September, 2006. Do the math people...
I figure that we have AT LEAST two more years before referral.

Its been tough, but then again I'm tough so, I'll keep hanging on until someone pushes me off the swing.

Its all about survival baby!

Off with her Head!

O.k. I admit it. Over the past year I've become quite lax in posting. Actually, I just noticed that my last post was August, 2008. I'm so ashamed...

To err is to be human. After all, I never said I was perfect. I know, I'm just making excuses and they sound lame and pathetic even to me. I think I even just saw the dog roll her eyes.

So I say to all my devoted followers out there, your screams of 'off with her head' have been finally heard. I say lets get this party started and I promise to blog like a maniac.

Now, I just have to decide what to blog about. Stay tuned for another cliff hanger!!