Thursday, October 11, 2007

Back in the saddle!

Hi folks,
Yes I have returned. I admit I've lost touch with my precious blog over the summer. Now, whether this hiatus came from frustration I will not admit so lets just call it a much needed summer break.

So much has happened since I last posted. 'The hubby' and I FINALLY made our 1 year anniversary for LID on September 25, 2007. Yahoo! Furthermore, we've recently found out that the CCAA is currently reviewing files with Sept. 2006 LIDS. You know what that means?! Yup, that's us! Can I have another Whoop Whoop in the house?!Yes, I must admit all is good these days.

Well, I'm off to ride into the sunset for today but don't fret avid followers for I will post again another day!

Giddy up tiny!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your one year anniversary and making it to the review room. Before you know it you will have your little one.

judi said...

congrats you guys....what does it mean in layman language

Carolyn said...

Nice to have you back!