Wednesday, March 7, 2007

My Sanity and Control have returned but a slave no more will I be.. (I think)

for a while anyway. The CCAA has decided to keep the public date box viewable for a little while longer. That being said I've decided not to pay any more attention to the CCAA or Rumor Queen. From now on I will not horde away feverantly crunching numbers trying to estimate TOA (time of arrival) for Jade's referral. Simply put, I will chaulk it up to the fact that Jade is not ready for us yet and when she is she'll let us know. If it happens that she is ready for us and I don't have a single hair left on my head, no teeth and need a walker (at the slugs pace that the CCAA is working lately that is how long it will take) then that's when I'll deal with it. I'm tired of being a slave to the numbers. I think I will lounge in a state of delusion - I hear its quite lovely there. Don't worry avid fans, I'll still find the time to blog! Well, I'm off to pack my bags for delusion island and I'll write soon. Now, where did I put that sunblock..hmmmm

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