Thursday, May 31, 2007

Inspiration can come from the strangest places

Well folks I think I've finally cracked under the pressure of the waiting game; either that or someone, somewhere managed to send me a sign from the unlikeliest of places.

Last night 'the hubby' and I settled down to watch the movie Rocky Balboa. Who would of thought that I would recieve inspiration from the Italian Stallion himself! O.K., you can pick yourself up off the floor now and stop laughing...

Anyhow, in one scene Rocky was having a heart to heart with his son. He was telling his son that it wasn't the beatings he took that made him strong it was the fact that he could take the beatings and still manage to get up and continue to move forward.

Now there was a little gem of information that got me thinking. I've often felt helpless and defeated through this process but perhaps I'm looking at it all wrong. Maybe, I need to pick myself up, dust myself off and do a few victory laps around the adoption ring because no matter how many beatings I've taken so far, I'm still in the ring. So, three cheers to Rocky for helping me realise that I am undefeated!

Stop laughing!

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