Thursday, May 17, 2007

A resilient bunch we are!

The last 4 or 5 months seemed to have brought with it nothing but doom and gloom and I myself admit that I have gotten tangled up in its web many times. Just this morning I made the comment to 'the hubby' that we SHOULD be in the review room by September if all goes well and that we SHOULD know whether or not we've been approved to move on into the(dare I say it) matching room. He replied in a rather bleak tone 'it's going to be a LONG summer'. The first thing that shot out of my mouth (no, not projectile vomit - although sometimes when I see that we might have to wait longer, it almost does) was 'No it won't. Think about it. This month we'll be LID 8 months!' I'm sure 'the hubby' thought I had a couple of screws loose in the 'ole noggin at that point. While I left him to ponder over where exactly I had left my sanity, I realised that when I'm not trying to fight my way out of the nasty spider's web of rumours I hardly notice the wait; actually it has moved along quite fast. Why is that? I've come to learn that we, as adopting parents, are quite a hardy bunch. We take a leap of faith with IA and never give up hoping that things will turn out fine, no matter of the heartache, hardship and red tape, we believe we will be triumphant as we WILL have our baby in the end. IA is not for the faint of heart. You have to withstand a lot of heartache and heartbreak and you know,when you get caught up in the spider's web of IA it can do funny things to you. I've found that in the process thus far, there have been many times that I've temporarily lost sight of my goal and even questioned whether or not I would continue. Its been no secret that 'the hubby' and I have spent many hours discussing our route and have even thought about switching countries. Yet, time and time again I just couldn't let go of China. I needed a clear sign that I was meant to stay on this path.

Just the other day I spoke with a dear aunt of mine who, of course, asked if there was any news on the baby yet. I droaned on about the extended wait and how it be 2-3 years before we are matched. Her reply caught me off guard and in a nanosecond I turned into a raging beast. She had the nerve to ask me if I thought it was really worth it. Rather indignantly, with a hearty snort to emphazise my displeasure I said without a doubt. There it was in black and white. China was where I was meant to be. I had my sign and my answer.

Love endures people and I cannot give up on Jade. We love her too much already.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

That's fantastic, Wendy. Sometimes adversity brings out the best in us.