Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Babies, Babies Babies and a few ruffled feathers...

Hi everyone,

Today has been a wonderful day in the adoption circles. Referrals have arrived and there are many happy people around the world. If you would like to see some of those happy families please click on my link to the rumor queen site on the bottom right hand side of the blog. On her main page you will see that she has a list of blogs. Go on, check it out - we all need a baby fix!

"The hubby" has had to 'gently' remind me about the power that my pen and words often yield. I do not realise how stong I write and the emotions that I unknowingly stir up..
It looks like I've done it yet again. It seems that I've ruffled more than a few feathers over the last couple of weeks during my rantings of the IA program possibly scaling down in the future. I do apologize for offending/upsetting anyone BUT I can't help the way I feel and see the writing on the wall. ( o.k., so be it, yes the writing is on MY wall and probably not yours) To be honest and fair, we cannot even begin to guess what the CCAA/China has in its plans for the future of IA. I feel (and people this is only my gut instinct here) IA is in for a drastic change. At this point we are seeing less referrals each month and a total reduction in referrals for IA yearly. The CCAA is agressivly pursuing a domestic adoption program, Chinese economic growth has tripled and the CCAA has stated that the IA program will have less babies available to it. Now, interpret that how you like. I hope that China does keep the IA program up and running for a LONG time but those involved with IA cannot ignore that lately, the ground beneath us is becoming increasingly shakey. I'm sure the CCAA will continue IA for a while to come but whether you want to admit it or not it is changing and in a BIG way. What these changes will bring in the future is anyone's guess. The bottom line is that if CCAA does change the adoption program all that matters is that these children get the homes/families they deserve and if that means they find them in their own country rather than through the IA program then who are we to argue? A hard pill to swallow I know but to me the children come first; not us. (this is my personal opinion people, I'm not speaking for everyone!)

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

I agree with you, Wendy. If children can be adopted in their own country, then that should be Plan A. International adoption is definitely Plan B. And don't worry about ruffling anyone's feathers! You are blogging about your experience and the way you see things. People who get offended or put off easily probably shouldn't read blogs!