Friday, February 2, 2007

Oh happy day it's referral day!

Not for Ray and I of course. We still have about 12 months to go before we get ours but at least the countdown has begun! The CCAA (aka China Centre for Adoption Affairs) has just sent out their latest batch of referrals around the world. Many, many happy people today I suspect. I do love referral days. To see all those precious faces is indescribable. Why am I trying to explain see for yourself!
On the right hand side (near the bottom) of Jade's blog you'll see a link called Rumor Queen. Just click on that and scroll down. The Queen will have a list of blogs that have referral pictures. For those of you who are not familiar with the Rumor Queen she is the lovely lady that seems to have some kind of inside scoop when it comes to guessing what is going on inside the CCAA and when referrals might be approaching. Her site is a USA based site BUT anyone can join her group.

Anyway hurry up and get your baby fix! (I'm also going to post links to some canadian blogs so check them out too.)

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