Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A week in review

Since I've been sick a few things have happened in the adoption circle that I thought I would bring you up to date on.

Deb and Kirk have arrived home safe and sound with Olivia (you can check out their website on my blog under the website section and it is called Olivia's blog), friends of ours have finally adopted their foster son (yay Heather and Fred!) and are continuing to plod along with their Russian adoption. (guys, the hubby and I are keeping our fingers crossed for you that your referral comes soon!) and another mom in waiting has just recieved her precious son's referral. He is 2 years old and from the WCP in China (waiting children's program). They have decided to name him Daniel and they are now waiting for their travel approval to come (travel time should be around the summer). He is such a handsome little man too! You can see Daniel under my website section and it is called Daniel's blog.

Finally, 5 families have just left for China to pick up their babies. They are all from the same orphange and are quite young. Their gotcha day will be on Monday so check out the link I have under my website section called Maggie's blog. There will be a CBC interview about it sometime around March 16 so keep an eye out for that too.

Well, that's my week in review for baby news.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Thanks, Wendy, for linking Daniel Xinguang's blog!
We're so happy and proud of him!