Monday, April 9, 2007

A hard day and some words of wisdom

Today people is what I consider a hard day. I just heard rumblings from the adoption circles that the CCAA took ALL of March to match 2 days worth of files. In 2005 when "the hubby" and I started the process time to referral was 6-8 months and the CCAA was matching a month of files per month. Recently (for the last year to now) the CCAA has slowed the matching to 2 weeks of files per month. That being said, a month to match 2 days leaves many of us waiting with a huge lump in our throats. If it continues the wait may even become longer.

Now, I hate doom and gloom and try to avoid it if at all possible so naturally I looked for any shed of light I could find. This is what I what I have to say. Too many of us on this adoption journey get caught up in the negative. Our thoughts and conversations revolve around the shoulda, coulda, woulda and nevers. What we tend to forget is this... we started this process ( we managed to get though all the paperwork, medicals, home study etc and I'm quite sure more than just me muttered will this ever end!) and we will eventually get to China and have our babies. We need to live in the mean time. Why allow such negative thoughts and words to rob us of this experience? Don't worry about what lies ahead for that too will come in time and work itself out. Live your life today and enjoy every scrap of it. When you do get your baby (and you will) your life will change. Practice on yourself. I say this because when we finally do get Jade I know for a fact this little girl, if I can help it, will not know the word never. She will be positive, self assured and can't will never enter her vocabulary. Why, then, should we be ruled by it? These folks, are my words of wisdom for today.

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