Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Update on China - Here we go again!

Hi all,

First of all (I'll start with the good news), today marks our LID anniversary. We have been officially logged in the CCAA exactly 7 months waiting to be reviewed and matched. With this, I bring another update (otherwise known as the bad news). A while ago I posted that our wait time to referral would increase from 12 months to 16/18 months. We were contacted again and were told it would increase again to 24 months. Guess what? It looks as if we might be waiting even longer. They are now quoting 30 - 36 months from LID. The Rumor Queen ( anyone who has been following along so far knows about the RQ - She is THE lady who knows all when it come to the CCAA) just did a poll on her website concerning LIDS and she has determined that an individual with a LID of late September 2006 (us!) could possibly hope to receive a referral in either of the following months - notice the year; February 2009, May 2009, August 2009 or May 2010. Yup, I said 2010!! Of course these predictions depend on how fast/slow the CCAA is at clearing the backlog of files which currently stands at 25,000 - 30,000 (I hope that is not before our file! - they are currently matching October 2005) What I would like to know is what happened to 2008 for us receiving a referral? Our agency said we COULD get the referral in the fall of 2008 but the RQ says it won't happen. Just FYI, we haven't heard squat from our agency lately.

At this point I have more faith in the RQ's predictions then I do with our agency. All I can do now is to go on the hunt for chocolate, wine and comfy blanket and settle down for a LONG wait.

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