Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Its getting hairy out there in the adoption world people!

I don't know whats going on but the world as we know it in adoption circles is being turned upside down! O.k. lets do a recap as some of my loyal followers are not adopting.

The past couple of weeks I have seen, read or heard:

1. Japan has implemented "drop off hatches" for abandoned babies. Sounds horrible I know but it does make sense in a way. Some hospitals have put these outside their bldgs so that people can drop off their babies. It is in response to a high ratio of babies being abandoned in cars, parks, shops and even bicycle carts. This hatch is incubated and rigged so that when a baby is dropped off the alarm will sound to alert medical staff that they have a new arrival. They then retreive the baby, assess it, give it medical attention and then put it up for adoption. I wonder does that mean we will be able to adopt from there soon?

2. The CCAA is experiencing some kind of matching glitch (that's my spin on it)month to match 2 days worth of babies!? I don't even know what to think about that one so I'll just leave it be....

3. India is opening up to the western world for adoption. To date, to adopt from India you have to be of Indian decent. Thousand of babies are not being adopted and left in orphanages because of this. The Indian Government is looking to open the program to non Indians heavily recruiting in the US and Britain. I know for a fact that our agency is currently working with India for non Indians too. YAY for us! The Indian Govt. says that the adoption process will be MUCH shorter than China and that it will be open to singles. Great news all around I say!

4. Guatemala had its hands slapped. Govt. has been told to pull up its socks in terms or international adoption or they are going to shut it down. This does not apply to Canada as the program has been closed for years. Its a hard day when a country closes its doors to IA. Everyone loses but mostly the chldren.

5. Russia has stated that it will be closing its doors to USA agency facilitated adoption. There are reports of children being adopted in the past that have been abused, neglected and killed. This too is another sad day for everyone involved as I'm sure these cases of abuse etc. were few and far between. It does not affect Canada nor private USA adoptions.

All of this only reinforces that adopotion is not an easy road. Whoever said adoption was the easy way needs their head examined!

Take care everyone and lets all hope that the children affected in these changes are looked after to their best ability.


judi winsor said...

That is good news out of India. So many good people waiting for a precious bundle........bring 'em on

The luckiest mommy in the world said...

Oh Wendy,

I wish I was nice and close to you so I could get Olivia to give you a kiss with her little piercing lips.

Great big cyber hugs and NOBODY understands how the wait is unless they have been through it. I honestley felt like I was going to have a nervous breakdown. Olivia is truly meant to be ours and I'm now glad we had to wait (lol if my family and friends only heard me say that).

Take care and big cyber hugs

(Olivia's lucky mom)